Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Demand Carbon Pricing's Demise in Call with Freeland

Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Demand Carbon Pricing's Demise in Call with Freeland

📢🌍✍️ After a productive virtual meeting, the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Alberta 🇨🇦 joined forces to speak up against a certain program, demanding its termination immediately! 💪🔚 #ProvincialUnity #VirtualMeetingSuccess #EndingTheProgramNow

En Español: Después de una productiva reunión virtual, las provincias de Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, Saskatchewan y Alberta 🇨🇦 unieron fuerzas para alzar la voz en contra de cierto programa, exigiendo su terminación ¡de inmediato! 💪🔚 #UnidadProvincial #ÉxitoDeLaReuniónVirtual #TerminandoElProgramaAhora

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