B.C. Wildfire Risks Rise With Campfire Ban, Road Closure on Vancouver Island

B.C. Wildfire Risks Rise With Campfire Ban, Road Closure on Vancouver Island

The recent dry weather on Vancouver Island has caused a rise in wildfire risks, leading to road closures and campfire bans. BC Wildfire Service has increased its staffing as a response to the high fire risk, and is asking the public to be vigilant in reporting any new fire. #VancouverIsland #FireRisk #BCWildfireService 🔥🔥🔥 El clima seco reciente en la Isla de Vancouver ha aumentado el riesgo de incendios forestales, lo que ha llevado a la clausura de carreteras y prohibiciones de fogatas. El Servicio de Control de Incendios Forestales de BC ha aumentado su personal como respuesta al alto riesgo de incendio, y está pidiendo al público que sea vigilante al informar cualquier nuevo incendio. #IslaVancouver #RiesgoDeIncendio #ServicioDeControlDeIncendiosForestalesBC 🔥🔥🔥
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