BCE Cuts 1,300 Jobs, Closes 9 Radio Stations

BCE Cuts 1,300 Jobs, Closes 9 Radio Stations

BCE Inc. has announced that they are reducing their workforce by about 15%, including cuts to Bell Media's radio division. The cuts will affect more than 1,500 people, including on-air personalities and behind-the-scenes staff. #BellMedia #Layoffs #JobLoss 💔😔 BCE Inc. ha anunciado que reducirá su plantilla laboral en un 15%, incluyendo recortes en la división de radio de Bell Media. Los recortes afectarán a más de 1.500 personas, incluyendo personalidades de la radio y personal detrás de escena. #BellMedia #RecortesLaborales #PérdidaDeEmpleo 💔😔
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