BL: Basketball Africa League Gives Players Chance to Shine

Prospects from across Africa have the chance to showcase their skills in the newly formed Basketball Africa League. The league is a joint venture between the NBA and FIBA, and has 12 teams from 12 different countries. It is the first ever professional basketball league in Africa. #BasketballAfricaLeague #NBA #FIBA πŸ˜ƒπŸ€ Los prospectos de toda África tienen la oportunidad de mostrar sus habilidades en la reciΓ©n formada Basketball Africa League. La liga es una empresa conjunta entre la NBA y la FIBA, y tiene 12 equipos de 12 paΓ­ses diferentes. Es la primera liga de baloncesto profesional de África. #BasketballAfricaLeague #NBA #FIBA πŸ˜ƒπŸ€
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