Deadly Shooting at Nashville Private School
🇪🇸 Un sospechoso resultó muerto tras un tiroteo en una escuela privada de Nashville. Las fuerzas policiales respondieron a la escena después de que se recibieron reportes de disparos y, tras una breve persecución, se encontró al sospechoso muerto dentro de su vehículo. No se registraron heridos entre los estudiantes ni maestros. #Nashville #Tiroteo #EscuelaPrivada 🤎🤎🤎🇬🇧 A suspect was killed after a shooting at a private school in Nashville. Police forces responded to the scene after reports of shots were received and, after a brief pursuit, the suspect was found dead inside his vehicle. No injuries were reported among students or teachers. #Nashville #Shooting #PrivateSchool 🤎🤎🤎