Disability Activist Lawsuit Reaches Supreme Court

Disability Activist Lawsuit Reaches Supreme Court

El Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos de América debe escuchar un caso de un activista con discapacidad que busca que el gobierno del estado de Maine pague un adicional para compensar los costos de su cuidado personal. El demandante dice que Maine violó la Ley de Derechos Civiles de los Estados Unidos al no otorgarle un aumento en los pagos. #LeyDeDiscapacidades #Discapacidad #Justicia #DisabilityLaw #Disability #Justice 🤝✨ The Supreme Court of the United States of America must hear a case of a disability activist seeking that the state government of Maine pay an additional amount to compensate for the cost of his personal care. The plaintiff claims that Maine violated the United States Civil Rights Act by not giving him an increase in payments. #DisabilityLaw #Disability #Justice 🤝✨
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