Greta Thunberg in Court for Disobeying Police at Climate Protest

Greta Thunberg in Court for Disobeying Police at Climate Protest

Spanish: Greta Thunberg, una activista sueca de 16 años, está compareciendo ante el tribunal de su país acusada de desobedecer a la policía durante una protesta climática. La abogada de Thunberg cree que el caso se basa en la libertad de expresión y está considerando apelar la decisión si es necesario. #GretaThunberg #ProtestaClimática #LibertadDeExpresión 🌎❤️ English: Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old Swedish activist, is appearing in court in her home country on a charge of disobeying police during a climate protest. Thunberg's lawyer believes the case is based on freedom of expression and is considering appealing the decision if necessary. #GretaThunberg #ClimateProtest #FreedomOfExpression 🌎❤️
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