Lula's China Trip Cancelled Over Health Concerns

Lula's China Trip Cancelled Over Health Concerns

_latin-americaEspañol: El ex presidente de Brasil, Lula da Silva, ha cancelado su viaje a China debido a problemas de salud. Lula, de 75 años, estaba programado para visitar el país para una conferencia sobre el desarrollo de la economía brasileña. Se espera que Lula se recupere pronto y que pueda realizar la visita en el futuro. #Lula #Salud #China 🤒🤕😷 Former Brazilian president, Lula da Silva, has cancelled his trip to China due to health problems. Lula, 75, was scheduled to visit the country for a conference on the development of the Brazilian economy. It is expected that Lula will recover soon and be able to make the visit in the future. #Lula #Health #China 🤒🤕😷
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