Premier's Cabinet Shrinks in NB in One Month
Spanish El primer ministro de Nuevo Brunswick ha perdido un segundo ministro de su gabinete en un mes. El ministro de salud, Dorothy Shephard, se ha retirado de su cargo debido a "problemas de salud". La primera ministra de Nuevo Brunswick, Blaine Higgs, ha reconocido el trabajo y compromiso de Shephard con el servicio público. #NuevoBrunswick #Gabinete #Despido #NuevoBrunswick #Política #DorothyShephard 🤔😔 English The Premier of New Brunswick has lost a second cabinet minister within one month. The Minister of Health, Dorothy Shephard, has resigned from her position due to "health issues". The Premier of New Brunswick, Blaine Higgs, has acknowledged Shephard's work and commitment to public service. #NewBrunswick #Cabinet #Resignation #NewBrunswick #Politics #DorothyShephard 🤔😔