The Supreme Court seems likely to rule against a trademark in the 'Trump too small' case

The Supreme Court seems likely to rule against a trademark in the 'Trump too small' case

📰🔔 Breaking News: Supreme Court leans toward ruling against trademark for "Trump too small" phrase 🚫🖋️ In a significant legal battle, the Supreme Court has indicated on Wednesday that it's likely to deny a man's request to trademark the thought-provoking phrase "Trump too small." 😱👨‍⚖️ #SupremeCourt #TrademarkBattle #TrumpTooSmall #LegalNews

En Español: 📰🔔 ¡Noticias de última hora! El Tribunal Supremo se inclina hacia la decisión en contra del registro de marca para la frase "Trump demasiado pequeño" 🚫🖋️ En una importante batalla legal, el Tribunal Supremo ha indicado el miércoles que es probable que niegue la solicitud de un hombre para registrar la impactante frase "Trump demasiado pequeño". 😱👨‍⚖️ #TribunalSupremo #BatallaDeMarcas #TrumpDemasiadoPequeño #NoticiasLegales

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