In Kenya, King Charles III plans to acknowledge 'painful aspects' of Britain's colonial past

In Kenya, King Charles III plans to acknowledge 'painful aspects' of Britain's colonial past

🌍👑 King Charles III makes historic state visit to 🇰🇪 Kenya, embracing commonwealth ties! Buckingham Palace reveals the monarch's deep intention to address past struggles ☑️ while highlighting his dedication 💪✨ #RoyalVisit #KenyaBound #CommonwealthBond

En Español: 🌍👑 ¡El Rey Carlos III realiza histórica visita de Estado a 🇰🇪 Kenia, abrazando los lazos de la Commonwealth! El Palacio de Buckingham revela la profunda intención del monarca de abordar las luchas pasadas ☑️ mientras destaca su dedicación 💪✨ #VisitaReal #RumboAKenia #LazosDeLaCommonwealth 🤴🏼❤️🦁🐘🌴

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