Rising Surge of Cyberattacks in Canadian Health Care: Urgent Measures Needed!

Rising Surge of Cyberattacks in Canadian Health Care: Urgent Measures Needed!

SpanglishNews πŸ“° Breaking News! Canadian Health Information Systems are under attack! πŸ˜±πŸ’»πŸ’₯ An article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal revealed that since 2015, there have been at least 14 major cyberattacks πŸ”’πŸ˜‘ targeting these crucial systems. Our personal health data is at risk! 🩺🚨 #CyberAttacks #HealthInformationSystems #DataPrivacy #ProtectOurData #StaySafe

En EspaΓ±ol: πŸ“° ‘Últimas noticias! Β‘Los sistemas de informaciΓ³n de salud de CanadΓ‘ estΓ‘n bajo ataque! πŸ˜±πŸ’»πŸ’₯ Un artΓ­culo en la Revista de la AsociaciΓ³n MΓ©dica Canadiense revelΓ³ que desde 2015 ha habido al menos 14 ciberataques πŸ”’πŸ˜‘ dirigidos hacia estos sistemas cruciales. Β‘Nuestros datos personales de salud estΓ‘n en riesgo! 🩺🚨 #Ciberataques #SistemasDeInformaciΓ³nDeSalud #PrivacidadDeDatos #ProtegeNuestrosDatos #MantenteSeguro

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