Criminals Use Vehicles to Break into Eight Businesses in South Surrey, Engaging in Smash-and-Grab Robbery Spree

Criminals Use Vehicles to Break into Eight Businesses in South Surrey, Engaging in Smash-and-Grab Robbery Spree

SpanglishNews Crime in Surrey, B.C, is on the rise with multiple "smash-in" burglaries being reported. Criminals are using vehicles to break into businesses and flee with stolen goods. Law enforcement is urging business owners to beef up their security measures, use surveillance cameras and report any suspicious activity to help combat the issue. The RCMP is rigorously investigating these incidents while urging public cooperation to track down the culprits. #SurreyBC #CrimeRate #SmashInBurglaries 🚁🚔🚨 Español: La delincuencia en Surrey, B.C, está aumentando y se han reportado múltiples robos "rompidos". Los delincuentes utilizan vehículos para irrumpir en negocios y huir con bienes robados. Las fuerzas del orden instan a los propietarios de negocios a reforzar sus medidas de seguridad, utilizar cámaras de vigilancia e informar cualquier actividad sospechosa para ayudar a combatir el problema. La RCMP está investigando rigurosamente estos incidentes al tiempo que insta a la cooperación pública para localizar a los culpables. #SurreyBC #CrimeRate #SmashInBurglaries 🚁🚔🚨
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