"Operating Room Closure at Vancouver Island Hospital Ends in Postponement of Hundreds of Surgeries"

"Operating Room Closure at Vancouver Island Hospital Ends in Postponement of Hundreds of Surgeries"

SpanglishNews Vancouver Island's Port McNeill Hospital has temporally closed its operating room due to a shortage of trained perioperative nurses. The closing may force residents to travel long distances for surgery. The Vancouver Island Health Authority assures that emergency surgeries can still be performed at nearby hospitals. Efforts to recruit trained staff are ongoing. #HealthcareCrisis #NurseShortage #LongDistanceHealthcare 🏥💔✈️ Español: El Hospital Port McNeill de la isla de Vancouver cerró temporalmente su quirófano debido a la escasez de enfermeras perioperatorias capacitadas. El cierre puede obligar a los residentes a viajar largas distancias para someterse a una cirugía. La Autoridad Sanitaria de la Isla de Vancouver asegura que aún se pueden realizar cirugías de emergencia en hospitales cercanos. Se están realizando esfuerzos para contratar personal capacitado. #CrisisSalud #EscasezdeEnfermeras #AtenciónSaludDeLargaDistancia 🏥💔✈️
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