Overwhelming Attendance Recorded at Two Community-centric Events in Vancouver's Chinatown

Overwhelming Attendance Recorded at Two Community-centric Events in Vancouver's Chinatown

SpanglishNews Lanterns in the Garden and the Vancouver Chinatown Festival are two entertaining events slated for Vancouver's Chinatown neighborhood. Activities like traditional games, lantern making, and live performances are organized to usher in 2023's Year of the Water Rabbit. The Chinese Canadian Museum's exhibit "A Seat at the Table" featuring the history of the Chinese Canadian experience is another highlight. The Vancouver Chinatown Festival looks forward to welcoming the community in its first in-person celebration since the pandemic started. #ChinatownVan #CulturalFestival #YearOfTheWaterRabbit 🏮🎎🐇

En Español: Lanterns in the Garden y el Festival de Chinatown de Vancouver son dos eventos entretenidos programados para el barrio de Chinatown de Vancouver. Se organizan actividades como juegos tradicionales, fabricación de faroles y actuaciones en vivo para marcar el comienzo del Año del Conejo de Agua de 2023. Otro punto destacado es la exposición del Museo Chino Canadiense "Un asiento en la mesa", que presenta la historia de la experiencia chino-canadiense. El Festival del Barrio Chino de Vancouver espera dar la bienvenida a la comunidad en su primera celebración en persona desde que comenzó la pandemia. #ChinatownVan #CulturalFestival #YearOfTheWaterRabbit 🏮🎎🐇

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