Christmas Miracle: Downtown Eastside Overdose Heroes Saving Lives

Christmas Miracle: Downtown Eastside Overdose Heroes Saving Lives

SpanglishNewsNetwork 🚨 Overdose prevention workers on Vancouver's Downtown Eastside continued their life-saving work on the frontlines of British Columbia's toxic drug crisis on Christmas Day. 🎄💉 They are true heroes, tirelessly battling to save lives every day. #OverdosePrevention #DrugCrisis #FrontlineHeroes #VancouverStrong 💪🏼❤️

En Español:🚨 Los trabajadores de prevención de sobredosis en el Downtown Eastside de Vancouver continuaron con su labor salvavidas en la primera línea de la crisis tóxica de drogas en British Columbia en el Día de Navidad. 🎄💉 Son verdaderos héroes, luchando incansablemente por salvar vidas cada día. #PrevenciónDeSobredosis #CrisisDeDrogas #HéroesEnPrimeraLínea #VancouverFuerte 💪🏼❤️ (Note: Spanish captions on Instagram often use the same hashtags as their English counterparts, but I have adjusted some of the phrases to better fit the context in Spanish.)

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