Panel Suggests Naloxone Kits Including Nasal Spray, Injectable Versions For Nationwide Availability in Canada

Panel Suggests Naloxone Kits Including Nasal Spray, Injectable Versions For Nationwide Availability in Canada

SpanglishNews Health Canada is switching its preferred method of administering the overdose-reversing drug Naloxone from injectable to nasal spray due to the simplified application and superior safety profile. The move comes as Canada grapples with a rise in opioid-related deaths, with an average of 17 Canadians dying daily from opioid overdoses in 2020. Vocal advocates argue the switch to nasal spray could mitigate the impact of the crisis by reducing barriers to Naloxone access during an overdose event. #OverdosePrevention #NaloxoneNasalSpray #OpioidCrisis 💉👃💊

En Español: Health Canada está cambiando su método preferido para administrar el medicamento para revertir sobredosis Naloxona de inyectable a aerosol nasal debido a la aplicación simplificada y el perfil de seguridad superior. La medida se produce mientras Canadá se enfrenta a un aumento de las muertes relacionadas con los opioides, con un promedio de 17 canadienses que murieron diariamente por sobredosis de opioides en 2020. Los defensores firmes argumentan que el cambio al aerosol nasal podría mitigar el impacto de la crisis al reducir las barreras al acceso a la naloxona. durante un evento de sobredosis. #OverdosePrevention #NaloxoneNasalSpray #OpioidCrisis 💉👃💊

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