Fatal Encounter: Shocking Bodycam Footage Reveals Dallas Hospital Tragedy

En EspaΓ±ol: π₯ Nuevas imΓ‘genes de la cΓ‘mara corporal revelan detalles sobre la muerte de un hombre bajo custodia en un hospital de Dallas π₯ El MΓ©dico Forense la declarΓ³ homicidio, pero los agentes no fueron acusados π El abogado Geoff Henley luchΓ³ durante un mes para obtener el video, que muestra a Kenneth Knotts luchando con los oficiales y perdiendo finalmente su vida π’ La demanda contra el Sistema UT continΓΊa βοΈ #JusticiaParaKnotts #MuerteEnCustodia #ImΓ‘genesDeCΓ‘maraCorporal #DemandaDeDerechosCiviles
What would Jesus say about this: Jesus Christ might say, "Blessed are those who seek justice and truth for the oppressed. Let us love one another as I have loved you. May the pursuit of justice bring healing and peace to all involved. Let us remember to seek understanding and compassion in difficult times."
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