Keystone System: Massive Kansas Oil Spill Cleaned Up by TC Energy and EPA!

Keystone System: Massive Kansas Oil Spill Cleaned Up by TC Energy and EPA!

📰🚧💦 The operator of the #KeystonePipelineSystem has successfully completed the cleanup of a colossal 2022 oil spill! 🙌🧹 Now, the once-affected creek is flowing naturally, bringing hope and relief to the local community! 🌿💧✨ #EnvironmentalVictory #OilSpillCleanup #NatureRestored #CommunityStrong

En Español: ¡La compañía operadora del #SistemaKeystonePipeline ha finalizado con éxito la limpieza de un colosal derrame de petróleo en 2022! 🙌🧹 Ahora, el arroyo afectado anteriormente fluye de forma natural, ¡brindando esperanza y alivio a la comunidad local! 🌿💧✨ #VictoriaAmbiental #LimpiezaDerrameDePetróleo #NaturalezaRestaurada #ComunidadUnida

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