Sarah Francis Jones, Acclaimed Actress, Unexpectedly Goes into Labor at Beyonce's Star-Studded Birthday Concert

Sarah Francis Jones, Acclaimed Actress, Unexpectedly Goes into Labor at Beyonce's Star-Studded Birthday Concert

SpanglishNews Sarah Francis Jones was in labor for 36 hours but postponed pushing so she could watch a live Beyoncé concert. Her husband Joseph shared on TikTok the footage of Jones in her hospital bed. The doctors, who were fully supportive, watched with her as she danced off her contractions with the music. Once the concert ended, Jones finally got back to labor, and they welcomed their daughter Anuhea. #WowStory #ConcertInTheLaborRoom #BeyonceMadness 👶🎤⏱️

En Español: Sarah Francis Jones estuvo de parto durante 36 horas, pero pospuso pujar para poder ver un concierto en vivo de Beyoncé. Su esposo Joseph compartió en TikTok las imágenes de Jones en su cama de hospital. Los médicos, que la apoyaron plenamente, la observaron mientras bailaba sus contracciones con la música. Una vez que terminó el concierto, Jones finalmente volvió al trabajo de parto y le dieron la bienvenida a su hija Anuhea. #WowStory #ConcertInTheLaborRoom #BeyonceMadness 👶🎤⏱️

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