Nationwide Acclaim for Smoke's Poutinerie Founder's Triumph

Nationwide Acclaim for Smoke's Poutinerie Founder's Triumph

📰 Breaking News: 😢 Ontario entrepreneur Ryan Smolkin, the brilliant mind behind Smoke's Poutinerie, has tragically passed away on Sunday. 🙏 This week, Ottawa will come together to pay tribute and honor his incredible legacy. 💔 #RIPRyanSmolkin #EntrepreneurExtraordinaire #SmokePoutinerieFounder #LegacyLivesOn

En Español: 📰 Última hora: 😢 Ryan Smolkin, el brillante empresario de Ontario y mente maestra detrás de Smoke's Poutinerie, ha fallecido trágicamente el domingo. 🙏 Esta semana, Ottawa se unirá para rendir homenaje y honrar su increíble legado. 💔 #DescansaEnPazRyanSmolkin #EmprendedorExtraordinario #FundadordeSmokePoutinerie #ElLegadoContinúa

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