The Union is advocating for increased mental health resources and the implementation of a reintegration program specifically designed for Hamilton police officers.

The Union is advocating for increased mental health resources and the implementation of a reintegration program specifically designed for Hamilton police officers.

SpanglishNews📰📸 The president of the Hamilton Police Association 🚔 went to the police board on Thursday and made a heartfelt plea for a "fulsome wellness unit" 💪🏻 to support our brave and traumatized first responders. 🙏🏻 #SupportFirstResponders #WellnessMatters #CaringCommunities

En Español: El presidente de la Asociación de Policía de Hamilton 🚔 fue a la junta de policía el jueves y realizó una súplica sincera por una "unidad integral de bienestar" 💪🏻 para apoyar a nuestros valientes y traumatizados primeros auxilios. 🙏🏻 #ApoyoAPrimerosAuxilios #ImportaElBienestar #ComunidadesSolidarias 📰📸

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