240 Rohingya Refugees Stranded at Sea, Rejected Twice: Indonesia Emerges as Last Hope!

240 Rohingya Refugees Stranded at Sea, Rejected Twice: Indonesia Emerges as Last Hope!

SpanglishNews πŸ“° Breaking News: πŸ’” 240 Rohingya Muslims, including women and children, left stranded at sea off the coast of Indonesia! 😒 Local residents rejected their attempts to land not once, but twice! 🌊😰 Boat tried landing in Aceh Utara district, Aceh province, on Thursday but was forced to leave. 🚫🏝️ #RohingyaCrisis #HumanRightsViolation #StrandedAtSea

En EspaΓ±ol:πŸ“° Últimas noticias: πŸ’” 240 musulmanes Rohingya, incluyendo mujeres y niΓ±os, abandonados a su suerte en el mar frente a la costa de Indonesia! 😒 Los residentes locales rechazaron sus intentos de desembarcar no solo una vez, Β‘sino dos veces! 🌊😰 El barco intentΓ³ aterrizar en el distrito de Aceh Utara, provincia de Aceh, el jueves pero se vio obligado a partir. 🚫🏝️ #CrisisRohingya #ViolaciΓ³nDeDerechosHumanos #AbandonadosEnElMar

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