Boston and San Francisco Bridges Paralyzed as Protesters Demand Gaza Cease-Fire

Boston and San Francisco Bridges Paralyzed as Protesters Demand Gaza Cease-Fire

SpanglishNews πŸ“°πŸŒ Demonstrators demanding a cease-fire in Gaza took to the streets, blocking bridges on both sides of the U.S. πŸ’”πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ One major bridge leading into San Francisco was closed off during a global trade summit, which saw the participation of President Joe Biden and other world leaders. πŸŒ‰β›”οΈ #GazaCeasefire #GlobalProtests #USA #SanFranciscoBridgeClosed #WorldLeadersSummit

En EspaΓ±ol:πŸ“°πŸŒ Manifestantes exigiendo un alto el fuego en Gaza salieron a las calles, bloqueando puentes en ambos lados de los Estados Unidos πŸ’”πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Un puente importante que conduce a San Francisco fue cerrado durante una cumbre global de comercio, en la que participaron el presidente Joe Biden y otros lΓ­deres mundiales. πŸŒ‰β›”οΈ #AltoAlFuegoEnGaza #ProtestasGlobales #EEUU #CierreDelPuenteDeSanFrancisco #CumbreDeLΓ­deresMundiales

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