Brazilian Lower House greenlights Bolivia's much-awaited Mercosur entry, Senate approval to follow; breaking the 2018 deadlock

Brazilian Lower House greenlights Bolivia's much-awaited Mercosur entry, Senate approval to follow; breaking the 2018 deadlock

SpanglishNewsThe Brazilian Lower House has given its approval to Bolivia's entrance into Mercosur, a move that has been in process since 2018. The next step will be obtaining consent from the Senate. This decision moves Bolivia closer to becoming a full member of the bloc, potentially strengthening economic and political ties in the region. #Brazil #Bolivia #Mercosur 🌎⚖️🤝

En Español: La Cámara Baja de Brasil ha dado su visto bueno al ingreso de Bolivia al Mercosur, un paso que está en proceso desde 2018. El siguiente paso será obtener el consentimiento del Senado. Esta decisión acerca a Bolivia a convertirse en miembro pleno del bloque, fortaleciendo potencialmente los lazos económicos y políticos en la región. #Brasil #Bolivia #Mercosur 🌎⚖️🤝

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