California Democrat Expresses Remorse for Supporting Liberal Crime Bill Amid Surging Retail Theft Crisis

California Democrat Expresses Remorse for Supporting Liberal Crime Bill Amid Surging Retail Theft Crisis

SpanglishNewsCalifornia lawmaker Lorena Gonzalez regrets supporting Prop 47—a measure intending to reform the criminal justice system by reducing certain non-violent felonies to misdemeanors. With the retail theft epidemic surging, Gonzalez feels that the policy damages local businesses, causing some to even close down. She worries that the policy, while intended to create justice reform, has unintentionally encouraged petty theft and shoplifting. Cities across California have recently experienced an alarming increase in "smash-and-grab" thefts, causing concern for businesses and lawmakers. #Prop47 #CrimeEpidemic #JusticeReform 🏛️🚔🛍️

En Español: La legisladora de California Lorena González lamenta haber apoyado la Proposición 47, una medida que pretende reformar el sistema de justicia penal reduciendo ciertos delitos graves no violentos a delitos menores. Con el aumento de la epidemia de robo en comercios minoristas, González siente que la política daña a las empresas locales, provocando que algunas incluso cierren. Le preocupa que la política, si bien pretende crear una reforma judicial, haya fomentado involuntariamente pequeños hurtos y hurtos en tiendas. Ciudades de California han experimentado recientemente un aumento alarmante de robos tipo "aplastar y agarrar", lo que preocupa a empresas y legisladores. #Prop47 #CrimenEpidemia #ReformaDeLaJusticia 🏛️🚔🛍️

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