Chilling Discovery: Maine Mass Shooter's Surprising Survival Unveiled in Autopsy, After Exhaustive 2-Day Manhunt

Chilling Discovery: Maine Mass Shooter's Surprising Survival Unveiled in Autopsy, After Exhaustive 2-Day Manhunt

🚨 BREAKING: Army reservist who went on a shooting spree at a bowling alley and bar in Lewiston is still on the loose! πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈπŸ˜± The Maine medical examiner's office confirms he was alive and possibly evading authorities during the intense manhunt that resulted in shelter-in-place orders throughout the community. Stay safe, everyone! πŸ’ͺπŸ›‘οΈ #BreakingNews #ShootingSpree #Manhunt #LewistonStrong

En EspaΓ±ol:🚨 ‘ÚLTIMA HORA! Β‘Soldado de la reserva del ejΓ©rcito que iniciΓ³ una rΓ‘faga de disparos en una bolera y bar de Lewiston sigue prΓ³fugo! πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈπŸ˜± La oficina del mΓ©dico forense de Maine confirma que estaba vivo y posiblemente evadiendo a las autoridades durante la intensa bΓΊsqueda que resultΓ³ en Γ³rdenes de refugiarse en el lugar en toda la comunidad. Β‘MantΓ©nganse seguros, todos! πŸ’ͺπŸ›‘οΈ #ÚltimasNoticias #RΓ‘fagaDeDisparos #BΓΊsquedaDelHombre #LewistonFuerte

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