Dutch Longtime Ruling Party Refuses New Government Coalition After Far-Right Victory

Dutch Longtime Ruling Party Refuses New Government Coalition After Far-Right Victory

SpanglishNews πŸ“°πŸ‡³πŸ‡± A senator from the Netherlands' Party for Freedom has been tasked with finding potential governing coalitions following their recent election triumph! Meanwhile, outgoing PM Mark Rutte's party will back a center-right administration in parliament but won't participate in the next government. πŸ€”πŸ’Ό #NetherlandsPolitics #CoalitionBuilding #FarRightVictory #CenterRightAdministration

En EspaΓ±ol:Β‘Un senador del Partido por la Libertad de los PaΓ­ses Bajos ha sido encargado de encontrar posibles coaliciones de gobierno despuΓ©s de su triunfo electoral reciente! Mientras tanto, el partido del saliente primer ministro Mark Rutte respaldarΓ‘ una administraciΓ³n centro-derecha en el parlamento, pero no participarΓ‘ en el prΓ³ximo gobierno. πŸ€”πŸ’Ό #PolΓ­ticaPaΓ­sesBajos #ConstrucciΓ³nDeCoaliciΓ³n #VictoriaExtremaDerecha #AdministraciΓ³nCentroDerecha

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