Gaza's Battle: Israel Strikes Hamas Tunnels in Latest Offensive

Gaza's Battle: Israel Strikes Hamas Tunnels in Latest Offensive

πŸš€πŸ’£ Israel's military kicks off the next phase of its war against Hamas! They aim to eliminate the Islamist group's intricate network of tunnels and command centers in northern Gaza. This mission might stretch over several months, according to security sources. Stay tuned for updates! πŸ”πŸ“† #IsraelvsHamas #WarfareContinues #TargetingTunnels #OperationNorthernCrackdown

En EspaΓ±ol:πŸš€πŸ’£ Β‘El ejΓ©rcito de Israel da inicio a la prΓ³xima fase de su guerra contra Hamas! Su objetivo es eliminar la intrincada red de tΓΊneles y centros de mando del grupo islamista en el norte de Gaza. SegΓΊn fuentes de seguridad, esta misiΓ³n podrΓ­a extenderse durante varios meses. Β‘Mantente atento/a para recibir actualizaciones! πŸ”πŸ“† #IsraelvsHamas #ContinΓΊaLaGuerra #ApuntandoALosTΓΊneles #OperaciΓ³nNorteCrackdown

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