Gaza's Deadly Toll: Israeli Strikes Claim Scores of Palestinian Lives, Including in Evacuated North

Gaza's Deadly Toll: Israeli Strikes Claim Scores of Palestinian Lives, Including in Evacuated North

SpanglishNewsNetwork 💔🔥 Israeli forces continue relentless bombardments on Gaza, leaving many dead 😥💣 Hamas targeted as air and ground offensive escalates 🚀🔝 Thousands forced to flee homes 😢😭 #GazaUnderAttack #Hamas #IsraeliForces #PrayForGaza

En Español:Las fuerzas israelíes continúan los implacables bombardeos en Gaza, dejando a muchos muertos 😥💣 Hamas es objetivo de la escalada de ataques aéreos y terrestres 🚀🔝 Miles obligados a huir de sus hogares 😢😭 #GazaBajoAtaque #Hamas #FuerzasIsraelíes #RezaPorGaza 💔🔥

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