Guatemalan President-Elect Alarms Nation with Claims of an Impending Coup Attempt

Guatemalan President-Elect Alarms Nation with Claims of an Impending Coup Attempt

SpanglishNewsThe incoming president of Guatemala, Alejandro Giammattei, claims that there are plans to overthrow him before he even takes office. These supposed plans include releasing imprisoned former President Eduardo Perez Molina who is accused of leading a network of illicit activities that benefitted from kickbacks. Giammattei says that the plotters aim to undermine his presidency and use it to their advantage. He urges people to prevent this so that the country's well-being is not compromised. #Guatemala #PresidentElect #PoliticalUnrest 🇬🇹🎙️⚠️

En Español: El presidente entrante de Guatemala, Alejandro Giammattei, afirma que hay planes para derrocarlo incluso antes de que asuma el cargo. Estos supuestos planes incluyen la liberación del expresidente encarcelado Eduardo Pérez Molina, acusado de liderar una red de actividades ilícitas que se beneficiaron de sobornos. Giammattei dice que los conspiradores pretenden socavar su presidencia y utilizarla en su beneficio. Insta a la gente a evitar esto para que el bienestar del país no se vea comprometido. #Guatemala #PresidenteElecto #DisturbiosPolíticos 🇬🇹🎙️⚠️


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