Guatemala's President-elect Unveils a Brewing Coup D'état: Portentous Signals of Political Upheaval

Guatemala's President-elect Unveils a Brewing Coup D'état: Portentous Signals of Political Upheaval

SpanglishNewsGuatemalan President-elect Alejandro Giammattei expressed his concerns about an alleged plot to prevent him from taking office come January 14, 2024. According to him, the plot is being orchestrated by sectors of the outgoing President Jimmy Morales's administration. Giammattei, who won the election with 58% of the votes, seems to be unswayed by these alleged plans and states that he has received calls of support from foreign governments. He concluded by reassuring that he possesses proof of this subtle coup and will release it at the right time. #Guatemala #CoupAlert #GiammatteiPresident🇬🇹🤝🌎

En Español: El presidente electo de Guatemala, Alejandro Giammattei, expresó su preocupación por un supuesto complot para impedirle asumir el cargo el 14 de enero de 2024. Según él, el complot está siendo orquestado por sectores de la administración del presidente saliente Jimmy Morales. Giammattei, que ganó las elecciones con el 58% de los votos, parece no dejarse influir por estos supuestos planes y afirma haber recibido llamadas de apoyo de gobiernos extranjeros. Concluyó asegurando que posee pruebas de este sutil golpe y las dará a conocer en el momento adecuado. #Guatemala #AlertaGolpe #GiammatteiPresidente🇬🇹🤝🌎


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