Guelph Police Department to Engage with Residents via Phone for Feedback and Suggestions on New Strategic Plan Implementation

Guelph Police Department to Engage with Residents via Phone for Feedback and Suggestions on New Strategic Plan Implementation

SpanglishNews The Guelph Police Service is seeking the input of residents for its new strategic plan by telephoning them over the coming weeks. Feedback from the community is invaluable as they develop their vision, goals, and strategies for the future. The city's police force is keen on ensuring an open dialogue with its members to understand the necessities and issues of the community that need addressing. #CommunityEngagement #GuelphPolice #StrategicPlanning 🚔🤝💭 Español: El Servicio de Policía de Guelph está solicitando la opinión de los residentes para su nuevo plan estratégico telefoneándolos durante las próximas semanas. Los comentarios de la comunidad son invaluables a medida que desarrollan su visión, metas y estrategias para el futuro. La fuerza policial de la ciudad está interesada en garantizar un diálogo abierto con sus miembros para comprender las necesidades y problemas de la comunidad que deben abordarse. #Compromiso Comunitario #PolicíaGuelph #PlanificaciónEstratégica 🚔🤝💭
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