Incoming Guatemalan President Alerts Possible Coup Plot Brewing Underhand

Incoming Guatemalan President Alerts Possible Coup Plot Brewing Underhand

SpanglishNewsGuatemalan President-elect, Alejandro Giammattei, claims that there are plans for a coup to prevent him from taking office in January 2024. He mentions widespread corruption as the driving force behind this alleged plot. Current President Jimmy Morales and his administration's corruption scandals have led to serious unrest in the country, with numerous protests calling for his resignation. The attorney general and anti-corruption bodies have been significantly weakened, creating an environment conducive for corrupt practices. #GuatemalaPolitics #PresidentElect #AntiCorruptionMovement 🇬🇹⚖️🔄

En Español: El presidente electo de Guatemala, Alejandro Giammattei, afirma que hay planes de dar un golpe de estado para impedirle asumir el cargo en enero de 2024. Menciona la corrupción generalizada como la fuerza impulsora detrás de este presunto complot. El actual presidente Jimmy Morales y los escándalos de corrupción de su administración han provocado graves disturbios en el país, con numerosas protestas pidiendo su renuncia. El fiscal general y los órganos anticorrupción se han debilitado significativamente, creando un entorno propicio para prácticas corruptas. #PolíticaGuatemala #PresidenteElecto #MovimientoAnticorrupción 🇬🇹⚖️🔄


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