Incoming Guatemalan President reveals brewing coup d'état in the shadows of political transition.

Incoming Guatemalan President reveals brewing coup d'état in the shadows of political transition.

SpanglishNewsThe President-Elect of Guatemala, Sarah Curruchich, has raised concerns about an impending coup. She has signaled to the international community about serious threats against the constitutional order and democracy in Guatemala. Current President, Thelma Aldana, has rejected Curruchich's claims. These claims of a planned coup follow a tense electoral process. The country's democracy is being closely watched by global leaders, as the recent allegations add a significant layer of complexity to an already tumultuous political landscape. #GuatemalaPolitics #DemocracyUnderThreat #GlobalConcerns 👀🌎🚨

En Español: La presidenta electa de Guatemala, Sarah Curruchich, ha expresado su preocupación por un golpe de estado inminente. Ha señalado a la comunidad internacional sobre graves amenazas contra el orden constitucional y la democracia en Guatemala. La actual presidenta, Thelma Aldana, rechazó las afirmaciones de Curruchich. Estas afirmaciones de un golpe de estado planeado siguen a un tenso proceso electoral. Los líderes mundiales siguen de cerca la democracia del país, ya que las recientes acusaciones añaden una capa significativa de complejidad a un panorama político ya tumultuoso. #PolíticaGuatemala #DemocraciaBajoAmenaza #PreocupacionesGlobal 👀🌎🚨


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