Kremlin reports successful prevention of an extensive late-night drone assault on Crimean Bridge targeting security infrastructure.

Kremlin reports successful prevention of an extensive late-night drone assault on Crimean Bridge targeting security infrastructure.

SpanglishNewsThe Russian military recently thwarted a significant attempted drone attack on the Crimean Bridge. The swift response and neutralization of over a dozen explosive-carrying drones prevented any potential damage to the vital transport link. The incident has intensified ongoing geopolitical tension. #DroneAttack #RussianMilitary #CrimeanBridge 🌉🇷🇺🚁 Español: El ejército ruso frustró recientemente un importante intento de ataque con drones contra el puente de Crimea. La rápida respuesta y neutralización de más de una docena de drones portadores de explosivos impidieron cualquier daño potencial al vital enlace de transporte. El incidente ha intensificado la tensión geopolítica actual. #DroneAttack #RussianMilitary #CrimeanBridge 🌉🇷🇺🚁
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