LinkedIn Founder, Who Funded a Hoax, Reported to Introduce Epstein to Trump's Inner Circle for Connection with Top Russian Diplomat

LinkedIn Founder, Who Funded a Hoax, Reported to Introduce Epstein to Trump's Inner Circle for Connection with Top Russian Diplomat

SpanglishNewsLinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman reportedly facilitated meetings between Jeffrey Epstein and influential figures such as Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg. Furthermore, Hoffman also allegedly financed a disinformation campaign - dubbed "Project Birmingham" - during the 2017 Alabama Senate race, aimed to divide Republican voters and sway the election. #ReidHoffman #JeffreyEpstein #ProjectBirmingham 💼👥🗳️ Español: Según se informa, el fundador de LinkedIn, Reid Hoffman, facilitó reuniones entre Jeffrey Epstein y figuras influyentes como Elon Musk y Mark Zuckerberg. Además, Hoffman también supuestamente financió una campaña de desinformación, denominada "Proyecto Birmingham", durante la carrera por el Senado de Alabama de 2017, cuyo objetivo era dividir a los votantes republicanos e influir en las elecciones. #ReidHoffman #JeffreyEpstein #ProjectBirmingham 💼👥🗳️
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