London, Ontario Announces Its First Case of West Nile Virus Infection in a Human for the Year 2023

London, Ontario Announces Its First Case of West Nile Virus Infection in a Human for the Year 2023

SpanglishNews First human case of West Nile virus for 2023 has been reported in London, Ontario. Health officials are urging individuals to guard themselves against mosquitoes as they are the primary carriers of the disease. People are advised to use insect repellents, wear protective clothing, and avoid areas with high mosquito activity, particularly during dawn and dusk. In severe cases, the virus can be fatal, so it is crucial to avoid mosquito bites. Public is encouraged to remove stagnant water sources, where mosquitoes often breed, from their properties. #WestNileVirus #MosquitoPrevention #LondonOntario 🦟🚫🇨🇦 Español: El primer caso humano del virus del Nilo Occidental en 2023 se informó en London, Ontario. Los funcionarios de salud instan a las personas a protegerse de los mosquitos, ya que son los principales portadores de la enfermedad. Se recomienda a las personas usar repelentes de insectos, usar ropa protectora y evitar áreas con alta actividad de mosquitos, particularmente durante el amanecer y el anochecer. En casos graves, el virus puede ser mortal, por lo que es fundamental evitar las picaduras de mosquitos. Se alienta al público a eliminar de sus propiedades las fuentes de agua estancada, donde a menudo se reproducen los mosquitos. #WestNileVirus #MosquitoPrevention #LondonOntario 🦟🚫🇨🇦
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