Massive $141M Spent in Alberta for Epic 'The Last of Us' TV Series!

Massive $141M Spent in Alberta for Epic 'The Last of Us' TV Series!

SpanglishNews 📰📊💰 The @OxfordEconomics report reveals that a whopping 💲141 million was invested in Alberta's film industry to bring 'The Last of Us' to life, making it the 🇨🇦largest series ever produced in Canada! 🎥 #filmindustry #Alberta #TheLastofUs #recordbreaking

En Español: ¡El informe de @OxfordEconomics revela que se invirtieron nada menos que 💲141 millones en la industria cinematográfica de Alberta para dar vida a 'The Last of Us', convirtiéndola en la serie más grande producida en Canadá! 🎥 #industriacinematográfica #Alberta #TheLastofUs #récord

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