Montreal Suburbs Continue Facing Boil Water Advisory on Day Four, Restrictions Lifted in Longueuil

Montreal Suburbs Continue Facing Boil Water Advisory on Day Four, Restrictions Lifted in Longueuil

SpanglishNews Due to a water main break in Montreal, there's a boil water advisory along the islands of Montreal’s South Shore and parts of Saint-Hubert. Authorities have revealed that it is potentially hazardous to consume contaminated water, warning residents to boil it for at least 1 minute before consumption. Infants, people with weakened immune systems and the elderly are particularly vulnerable. The advisory will be lifted once the water samples are deemed safe. #BoilWaterAdvisory #Montreal #WaterSafety 🚰🚧⚠️

En Español: Debido a una rotura de una tubería de agua en Montreal, hay un aviso de hervir el agua a lo largo de las islas de la costa sur de Montreal y partes de Saint-Hubert. Las autoridades han revelado que es potencialmente peligroso consumir agua contaminada y advirtieron a los residentes que la hiervan durante al menos 1 minuto antes de consumirla. Los bebés, las personas con sistemas inmunitarios debilitados y los ancianos son particularmente vulnerables. La advertencia se levantará una vez que las muestras de agua se consideren seguras. #BoilWaterAdvisory #Montreal #WaterSafety 🚰🚧⚠️

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