Multiple Blasts Shatter Peace in Downtown Quito Suspected as Car Bomb Attacks

Multiple Blasts Shatter Peace in Downtown Quito Suspected as Car Bomb Attacks

SpanglishNewsSeveral fatal explosions shook Quito's city center in a suspected car bomb attack. In total, three blasts were reported, resulting in the death of two Ecuadorians and a foreign visitor while injuring at least 30 others. Authorities believe an armed group affiliated with drug trafficking networks is involved. Meanwhile, Ecuador's president declared a state of emergency, promising a thorough investigation and assuring tightened security protocols. #QuitoBlasts #StateOfEmergency #WarOnDrugs 🚨🇪🇨💔

En Español: Varias explosiones mortales sacudieron el centro de la ciudad de Quito en un presunto atentado con coche bomba. En total, se reportaron tres explosiones, que resultaron en la muerte de dos ecuatorianos y un visitante extranjero, e hirieron al menos a otras 30 personas. Las autoridades creen que está involucrado un grupo armado afiliado a redes de narcotráfico. Mientras tanto, el presidente de Ecuador declaró el estado de emergencia, prometiendo una investigación exhaustiva y garantizando protocolos de seguridad más estrictos. #QuitoExplosiones #EstadoDeEmergencia #GuerracontralasDrogas 🚨🇪🇨💔


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