Nearly 61% of American Workers are Living Paycheck-to-Paycheck, while 21% are Experiencing Difficulties in Paying their Bills

Nearly 61% of American Workers are Living Paycheck-to-Paycheck, while 21% are Experiencing Difficulties in Paying their Bills

SpanglishNewsA majority of U.S. workers, about 61%, report living from paycheck to paycheck, while 21% experience struggles with paying bills. Despite some degree of economic growth, financial struggles remain prominent. Health care expenses are a significant contributor to these financial imbalances. #FinancialStruggles #PaycheckToPaycheck #HealthcareCosts 💸💰🏥 Español: La mayoría de los trabajadores estadounidenses, alrededor del 61%, informan que viven de cheque en cheque, mientras que el 21% experimenta dificultades para pagar las facturas. A pesar de cierto grado de crecimiento económico, las luchas financieras siguen siendo prominentes. Los gastos de atención médica contribuyen significativamente a estos desequilibrios financieros. #LuchasFinancieras #PaycheckToPaycheck #CostosSalud 💸💰🏥
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