Parents in Northeast Calgary turn to back-to-school giveaway as financial crisis deeply affects home budgets

Parents in Northeast Calgary turn to back-to-school giveaway as financial crisis deeply affects home budgets

SpanglishNews Parents are seizing the opportunity provided by a back-to-school giveaway, helping to lessen the financial burden of school supplies. Children can receive a free backpack filled with essential school supplies, from notebooks and pencils to hand sanitizers. The event truly makes a difference for families who struggle with back-to-school shopping each year. #BackToSchool #FreeSupplies #CommunitySupport 🎒📚✏️ Español: Los padres están aprovechando la oportunidad que ofrece un sorteo de regreso a clases, que ayuda a reducir la carga financiera de los útiles escolares. Los niños pueden recibir una mochila gratuita llena de útiles escolares esenciales, desde cuadernos y lápices hasta desinfectantes para manos. El evento realmente marca la diferencia para las familias que cada año luchan con las compras para el regreso a clases. #RegresoALaEscuela #SuministrosGratuitos #ApoyoComunitario 🎒📚✏️
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