Revelations Uncovered: Hidden Data on Rising COVID Cases Among Vaccinated, According to FDA and CDC Documents

Revelations Uncovered: Hidden Data on Rising COVID Cases Among Vaccinated, According to FDA and CDC Documents

SpanglishNewsThe FDA and CDC reportedly concealed data on an increase in COVID-19 cases among vaccinated individuals. In the first half of 2021, a number of cases were allegedly identified as 'breakthrough' infections but were not disclosed publicly. Although the data was shared with medical professionals and scientists, the general public was kept in the dark supposedly due to fears that it might diminish confidence in the vaccine. #COVID19 #VaccineData #PublicTransparency 😷🔍📊

En Español: Según se informa, la FDA y los CDC ocultaron datos sobre un aumento de casos de COVID-19 entre personas vacunadas. En la primera mitad de 2021, supuestamente se identificaron varios casos como infecciones "irruptivas", pero no se divulgaron públicamente. Aunque los datos se compartieron con profesionales médicos y científicos, el público en general se mantuvo en la ignorancia, supuestamente por temor a que pudiera disminuir la confianza en la vacuna. #COVID19 #DatosDeVacunas #TransparenciaPública 😷🔍📊

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