Russia Deploys Its Furthest-Reaching Nuclear-Capable Missile for Combat Duty, Infamously Known as 'Satan II'

Russia Deploys Its Furthest-Reaching Nuclear-Capable Missile for Combat Duty, Infamously Known as 'Satan II'

SpanglishNewsRussia has put into combat duty its longest-range nuclear capable missile, known as the "Satan II", capable of carrying up to 15 warheads and evading radar detection. The deployment of the RS-28 Sarmat missile, with a reported range of 18,000 kilometers, demonstrates escalating nuclear tensions. It is claimed the missile could overwhelm US defenses. #Russia #NuclearMissile #GlobalSecurity 🌍🚀💥 Español: Rusia ha puesto en servicio su misil con capacidad nuclear de mayor alcance, conocido como "Satan II", capaz de transportar hasta 15 ojivas y evadir la detección de radar. El despliegue del misil RS-28 Sarmat, con un alcance informado de 18.000 kilómetros, demuestra la escalada de tensiones nucleares. Se afirma que el misil podría abrumar las defensas estadounidenses. #Rusia #MisilNuclear #SeguridadGlobal 🌍🚀💥
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