Shell Abandons Underperforming Carbon Credit Scheme Under the Radar, Signifying Another Setback in Climate Change Initiatives

Shell Abandons Underperforming Carbon Credit Scheme Under the Radar, Signifying Another Setback in Climate Change Initiatives

SpanglishNewsShell, has discreetly abandoned its notable 'Nature-Based Solutions' (NBS) carbon credit initiative, which was previously criticized for lacking transparency and impact. With the NBS, Shell aimed to offset customers' car and home emissions by investing in areas like tree planting but has opted to move away from the project without public announcement. Shell will instead focus more on its biofuels and electric vehicle charging investments. #Shell #CarbonCredits #ClimateChange 🌍🚗🔌 Español: Shell ha abandonado discretamente su notable iniciativa de créditos de carbono 'Soluciones basadas en la naturaleza' (NBS), que anteriormente fue criticada por su falta de transparencia e impacto. Con el NBS, Shell pretendía compensar las emisiones de los automóviles y hogares de sus clientes invirtiendo en áreas como la plantación de árboles, pero optó por abandonar el proyecto sin previo aviso público. En cambio, Shell se centrará más en sus inversiones en biocombustibles y carga de vehículos eléctricos. #Shell #CarbonCredits #ClimateChange 🌍🚗🔌
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