The Israeli defense minister emphasizes that the Gaza war has transitioned into a new phase, characterized by an escalated ground operation.

The Israeli defense minister emphasizes that the Gaza war has transitioned into a new phase, characterized by an escalated ground operation.

SpanglishNewsπŸš€πŸ”₯ Breaking News: Israel Intensifies Gaza Offensive with Ground Operation! 🌍⚑️ πŸ’₯πŸ” Israel's ground forces, supported by tanks and infantry, launch a powerful operation in Gaza. This move strategically combines massive airstrikes from the air and sea for maximum impact. πŸ’ƒπŸ’ͺ Defying all odds, Israel's defense minister declared, "The ground shook in Gaza!" This is a significant turning point in the ongoing conflict, marking a major escalation. ✈️🚒 With this latest offensive, Israel is determined to take decisive action to restore stability and ensure its citizens' safety. πŸ™βœŒοΈ Now, more than ever, prayers and hopes for peace resonate throughout the world. Let's stand together for a lasting resolution and an end to the violence. #PrayForPeace #IsraelGazaConflict #GroundOperation #PeacefulResolution

En EspaΓ±ol: πŸš€πŸ”₯ ‘Última hora! Israel intensifica su ofensiva en Gaza con una operaciΓ³n terrestre. 🌍⚑️ πŸ’₯πŸ” Las fuerzas terrestres de Israel, apoyadas por tanques e infanterΓ­a, lanzan una poderosa operaciΓ³n en Gaza. Esta maniobra combina estratΓ©gicamente masivos bombardeos aΓ©reos y marΓ­timos para lograr un impacto mΓ‘ximo. πŸ’ƒπŸ’ͺ Desafiando todas las expectativas, el ministro de defensa de Israel declarΓ³: "Β‘Gaza temblΓ³!" Este es un punto de inflexiΓ³n significativo en el conflicto en curso, marcando una escalada importante. ✈️🚒 Con esta ΓΊltima ofensiva, Israel estΓ‘ decidido a tomar medidas decisivas para restaurar la estabilidad y garantizar la seguridad de sus ciudadanos. πŸ™βœŒοΈ Ahora mΓ‘s que nunca, resonamos con oraciones y esperanzas por la paz en todo el mundo. UnΓ‘monos por una resoluciΓ³n duradera y el fin de la violencia. #RezaPorLaPaz #ConflictoIsraelGaza #OperaciΓ³nTerrestre #ResoluciΓ³nPacΓ­fica

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