Triple Tragedy: Teens' Guilty Pleas Land Them 20-Year Sentence for Carjacking and Fatal Dragging of Elderly Woman!

Triple Tragedy: Teens' Guilty Pleas Land Them 20-Year Sentence for Carjacking and Fatal Dragging of Elderly Woman!

SpanglishNews 💔😢 Breaking News: Three teenage girls involved in the shocking dragging death of a woman, whose arm was tragically severed during a carjacking in New Orleans, have pleaded guilty to reduced charges. 😱 Today, they were handed a 20-year prison sentence. ⚖️ Let's hope justice is served and this sends a strong message! #TeenageCriminals #CarjackingTragedy #JusticeServed

En Español:💔😢 Noticia de última hora: Tres adolescentes involucradas en la impactante muerte de una mujer arrastrada, cuyo brazo fue trágicamente amputado durante un robo de auto en Nueva Orleans, han declarado su culpabilidad a cargos reducidos. 😱 Hoy, se les ha impuesto una sentencia de 20 años de prisión. ⚖️ ¡Esperemos que se haga justicia y esto envíe un mensaje contundente! #CriminalesAdolescentes #TragediaDeRoboDeAuto #JusticiaHecha

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