Trump Accuses NY Attorney General of Election Interference through Targeted Prosecution

Trump Accuses NY Attorney General of Election Interference through Targeted Prosecution

SpanglishNewsPresident Donald Trump has accused NY Attorney General Letitia James of political bias and interfering in the Presidential election. She is probing his business and tax records. Trump said James campaigned for the post promising to use her office to look into his professional affairs, calling it the "ultimate fishing expedition". Similarly, he claimed she consistently files suits against him. #PoliticalInterference #TrumpVsNYAG #Election2020 🏛🎣🗳️

En Español: El presidente Donald Trump acusó a la fiscal general de Nueva York, Letitia James, de parcialidad política e interferencia en las elecciones presidenciales. Ella está investigando sus registros comerciales y fiscales. Trump dijo que James hizo campaña para el puesto prometiendo usar su oficina para investigar sus asuntos profesionales, calificándola como la "expedición de pesca definitiva". Del mismo modo, afirmó que ella constantemente presenta demandas en su contra. #InterferenciaPolítica #TrumpVsNYAG #Elecciones2020 🏛🎣🗳️

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