United States and Israel to Organize Joint Military Drills to Simulate Potential Strike Scenarios on Iran

United States and Israel to Organize Joint Military Drills to Simulate Potential Strike Scenarios on Iran

SpanglishNewsThe US and Israel have recently carried out joint military drills simulating an attack on Iran. The maneuver, known as "Desert Giants," involved various combat scenarios including a missile strike on a mock enemy's nuclear program. Previous exercises involved only cyber operations, making this the first significant advancement in preparedness strategy. #USIsraelPartnership #MilitaryDrill #GlobalDefense 🌐🪖🤝 Español: Estados Unidos e Israel han llevado a cabo recientemente ejercicios militares conjuntos que simulan un ataque contra Irán. La maniobra, conocida como "Gigantes del Desierto", implicó varios escenarios de combate, incluido un ataque con misiles contra el programa nuclear de un enemigo simulado. Los ejercicios anteriores involucraron únicamente operaciones cibernéticas, lo que lo convierte en el primer avance significativo en la estrategia de preparación. #USIsraelPartnership #MilitarySrill #GlobalDefense 🌐🪖🤝
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